
What is Prettycooltacularwow?


adj; describes something so cool, so spectacular, that it makes you say wow. it is used when the only way to describe such a tremendously amazing thing can not be accomplished by using only one of these supplementary adjectives.

indiv. 1 "Rimmy! did you see the look on fatboss's face when we walked out?!"

indiv. 2 "fuck yeah dude! that shit was prettycooltacularwow!"


adj; describes something so cool, so spectacular, that it makes you say wow. it is used when the only way to describe such a tremendously amazing thing can not be accomplished by using only one of these supplementary adjectives.

indiv. 1 "Rimmy! did you see the look on fatboss's face when we walked out?!"

indiv. 2 "fuck yeah dude! that shit was prettycooltacularwow!"


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