
What is Pretzelmouth?


Pretzelmouth is a superhero with a pretzel for a mouth. He only comes out at night. He demands candy. If said candy is not delivered, he will cry salty tears. Then he will be soggy. He will blame you.

:& "Whatchoo talkin' bout boy?"

"Pretzelmouth likes to dance the watoosie!"

See yo mama, full of win, my chemical romance, the simpsons, the beatles


Pretzelmouth is a superhero with a pretzel for a mouth. He only comes out at night. He demands candy. If said candy is not delivered, he will cry salty tears. Then he will be soggy. He will blame you.

:& "Whatchoo talkin' bout boy?"

"Pretzelmouth likes to dance the watoosie!"

See yo mama, full of win, my chemical romance, the simpsons, the beatles


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