
What is Preved?


An Internet term and the biggest ever flashmob in the history of russian Internet community. Bastardization of russian word 'Privet' which is translated as 'Hi'.

Very similar to 'ORLY' stuff... Nearly never used without 'Medved' character (The Bear) and raised hands.

'Preved' symbol - Y

In other words - this is what medved said, when he met a couple having sex in a wood.

Written Ïðåâåä! in Cyrillic (view page in Windows Cyriilic encoding).

dude.1 -"Preved medved!" Y

dude.2 -"Preved! Kagdila krosavcheg?!"

See preved, y


An Internet term and the biggest ever flashmob in the history of russian Internet community. Bastardization of russian word 'Privet' which is translated as 'Hi'.

Very similar to 'ORLY' stuff... Nearly never used without 'Medved' character (The Bear) and raised hands.

'Preved' symbol - Y

Livejournal community: ru_preved

In other words - this is what medved said, when he met a couple having sex in a wood.

Ychasnegi -"Preved medved!" Y

Medved -"Preved! Kagdila krosavchegi?!"

See preved, y


An Internet term and the biggest ever flashmob in the history of russian Internet community. Bastardization of russian word 'Privet' which is translated as 'Hi'.

Very similar to 'ORLY' stuff... Nearly never used without 'Medved' character (The Bear) and raised hands.

'Preved' symbol - Y

In other words - this is what medved said, when he met a couple having sex in a wood.

Written Ïðåâåä! in Cyrillic (view page in Windows Cyriilic encoding).

dude.1 -"Preved medved!" Y

dude.2 -"Preved! Kagdila krosavcheg?!"

See preved, y


An Internet term and the biggest ever flashmob in the history of russian Internet community. Bastardization of russian word 'Privet' which is translated as 'Hi'.

Very similar to 'ORLY' stuff... Nearly never used without 'Medved' character (The Bear) and raised hands.

'Preved' symbol - Y

Livejournal community: ru_preved

In other words - this is what medved said, when he met a couple having sex in a wood.

Ychasnegi -"Preved medved!" Y

Medved -"Preved! Kagdila krosavchegi?!"

See preved, y


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