What is Prhiebrispmic Prÿ•ëh•brïs•mïk?


to be illegaly intoxicated with cannabus sativ a/or indica. n:: .n:

:slang: priabismic, prime, prize;

:background: comes from a combination of two other slang words(prying eye or "third eye" and outer planitary voyage or "cosmic");

Sir I'm going to have to ask you to step out of the car. We has a reason to believe you are prhiebrispmic.


to be illegaly intoxicated with cannabus sativ a/or indica. n:: .n:

:slang: priabismic, prime, prize;

:background: comes from a combination of two other slang words(prying eye or "third eye" and outer planitary voyage or "cosmic");

Sir I'm going to have to ask you to step out of the car. We has a reason to believe you are prhiebrispmic.


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