
What is Prib?


A "Prib" is a preppy, pink shirted faggot who spends more time doing his hair than fucking his hot girlfriend and drives around in a shitty Blazer with Plastic Chromies.

"Look at that 'Prib' yonder, I can smell the cologne he is wearing: Gay, By: Acrombie and Fitch."

See prib, gay, fag, prep, preppy, fuck, anal


it is related to probaly, but is a variation. it means that something half exists or is vague. was founded in norfolk, england. form the latin pribulas

pribular, pribial, pribulasity

to be prib-like, to disappear.

is there a house there? or was it a prib?


A "Prib" is a preppy, pink shirted faggot who spends more time doing his hair than fucking his hot girlfriend and drives around in a shitty Blazer with Plastic Chromies.

"Look at that 'Prib' yonder, I can smell the cologne he is wearing: Gay, By: Acrombie and Fitch."

See prib, gay, fag, prep, preppy, fuck, anal


it is related to probaly, but is a variation. it means that something half exists or is vague. was founded in norfolk, england. form the latin pribulas

pribular, pribial, pribulasity

to be prib-like, to disappear.

is there a house there? or was it a prib?


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