Prick Tease

What is Prick Tease?


1. Of the male of female variety - where the person in question leads on or teases someone sexually, but then does not partake in kissing/shagging etc.

2. literal meaning

girl bumpin&grindin all night long then just walking off

See Omar


women who's idea of sexual satisfaction does not include penile penetration as an essential aspect of sexual activity. Terms like pricktease are the product of a double sexual standard that insists upon women being sexually attractive and available to men while remaining chaste virgins. Under the double standard, a woman is damned if she does (slut, whore, tart, hussy, je-zebel, bunny, wench, tramp, etc.) and damned if she doesn't (prick tease, prude, jilt, vamp, coquette, etc.).

No term today exists for the male who leads a woman to expect sexual satisfaction but fails to satisfy her.

prick tease is the term for a woman who "displays affection and sexual interest in a male, assumes sexually inviting postures, speaks intimately, allows petting or necking and perhaps indulges in sexual foreplay, but does not allow coitus or satisfy the male".

A prick tease is the way a female can get satisfaction while at the same time reducing chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

See prude, jilt, vamp, tart


-girl who flirts with you all night long, grinds up against you on the dance floor, allows you to buy her drinks, but doesnt go home with you, or if she does, goes to sleep. might indulge in some kissing or foreplay, but always. always leaving the guy wanting more.

-female who is very skilled in the art of seduction, knows not to give everything at once, makes the guy really want it

-very very attractive female

-Brian:how'd you get on with ur wan last night, you get your hole

Mike: no, that bitch is some prick tease, went back to my place and all, but she just went to sleep

-'ah lad, ur wan i was with last night was some demon in the sack, she did the whole strip tease thing, and pure touching me everywhere, cept mi dick..pure prick tease boy, but when he finally gave it some attention she knew what she was doing lad'

-'look at ur wan over there pure savage looking, sum prick tease'

See beure, steamer, lasher, whore


This person (usually a girl) enjoys teasing someone (childish fun) they try to make u think you have a chance by keeping you interested somehow and you will proberely never get anywhere. if they are 16 or over they have a serious issue and need to grow up they usually are used to having there own way so dont let them have it unless your a childish fool

<girl> I want to have sex with u tomorrow!

<guy> really ok come to mine at about 8

<girl> i'll be there

(she'll either let you down or if shes comes she'll just sit there and when u make a move she'll say something like)

<girl> no i dont want to

<guy> whats wrong with u

See kano


girl who leads you to believe you could get a bit.but really you haven't a hope in hell.should be a crime and the punishment should be for the prick teaser to put out for the victim!

that girl prick teased me all night

that girl's a prick tease


Similar to that other dudes....a girl that gets ya all worked up and says shes gonna meet up and do stuff....but when push comes to shove....she has to do "other stuff" or she isnt "allowed" or she is "grounded"...and the dude who keeps falling for her antics is an idiot....

That Leigh chick is a real prick tease.

See Nick


A clothed female who'll watch you strip and masturbate but won't watch you ejaculate. She shapes her hand as if it's round your prick and makes a wanking motion with her wrist. She pouts and looks at your balls bouncing and the blur of your fingers and foreskin over your knob. She knows when you are about to cum and averts her eyes or wanders off. Sometimes she counts you down and then stops just before you reach the point of no return and keeps you masturbating on the edge until she finally gets bored with and leaves you throbbing.

It was her custom to prick tease the stripper so that he would wank for her but she would never get him to cum for her.

See masturbate, ejaculate, prick, cum, wank


1. Of the male of female variety - where the person in question leads on or teases someone sexually, but then does not partake in kissing/shagging etc.

2. literal meaning

girl bumpin&grindin all night long then just walking off

See Omar


women who's idea of sexual satisfaction does not include penile penetration as an essential aspect of sexual activity. Terms like pricktease are the product of a double sexual standard that insists upon women being sexually attractive and available to men while remaining chaste virgins. Under the double standard, a woman is damned if she does (slut, whore, tart, hussy, je-zebel, bunny, wench, tramp, etc.) and damned if she doesn't (prick tease, prude, jilt, vamp, coquette, etc.).

No term today exists for the male who leads a woman to expect sexual satisfaction but fails to satisfy her.

prick tease is the term for a woman who "displays affection and sexual interest in a male, assumes sexually inviting postures, speaks intimately, allows petting or necking and perhaps indulges in sexual foreplay, but does not allow coitus or satisfy the male".

A prick tease is the way a female can get satisfaction while at the same time reducing chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

See prude, jilt, vamp, tart


-girl who flirts with you all night long, grinds up against you on the dance floor, allows you to buy her drinks, but doesnt go home with you, or if she does, goes to sleep. might indulge in some kissing or foreplay, but always. always leaving the guy wanting more.

-female who is very skilled in the art of seduction, knows not to give everything at once, makes the guy really want it

-very very attractive female

-Brian:how'd you get on with ur wan last night, you get your hole

Mike: no, that bitch is some prick tease, went back to my place and all, but she just went to sleep

-'ah lad, ur wan i was with last night was some demon in the sack, she did the whole strip tease thing, and pure touching me everywhere, cept mi dick..pure prick tease boy, but when he finally gave it some attention she knew what she was doing lad'

-'look at ur wan over there pure savage looking, sum prick tease'

See beure, steamer, lasher, whore


This person (usually a girl) enjoys teasing someone (childish fun) they try to make u think you have a chance by keeping you interested somehow and you will proberely never get anywhere. if they are 16 or over they have a serious issue and need to grow up they usually are used to having there own way so dont let them have it unless your a childish fool

<girl> I want to have sex with u tomorrow!

<guy> really ok come to mine at about 8

<girl> i'll be there

(she'll either let you down or if shes comes she'll just sit there and when u make a move she'll say something like)

<girl> no i dont want to

<guy> whats wrong with u

See kano


girl who leads you to believe you could get a bit.but really you haven't a hope in hell.should be a crime and the punishment should be for the prick teaser to put out for the victim!

that girl prick teased me all night

that girl's a prick tease


Similar to that other dudes....a girl that gets ya all worked up and says shes gonna meet up and do stuff....but when push comes to shove....she has to do "other stuff" or she isnt "allowed" or she is "grounded"...and the dude who keeps falling for her antics is an idiot....

That Leigh chick is a real prick tease.

See Nick


A clothed female who'll watch you strip and masturbate but won't watch you ejaculate. She shapes her hand as if it's round your prick and makes a wanking motion with her wrist. She pouts and looks at your balls bouncing and the blur of your fingers and foreskin over your knob. She knows when you are about to cum and averts her eyes or wanders off. Sometimes she counts you down and then stops just before you reach the point of no return and keeps you masturbating on the edge until she finally gets bored with and leaves you throbbing.

It was her custom to prick tease the stripper so that he would wank for her but she would never get him to cum for her.

See masturbate, ejaculate, prick, cum, wank


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