Pride And Joy

What is Pride And Joy?


1) A nickname for someone very special to you, usually a lover, or spouse, or someone you treasure dearly.

2) A nickname for an automobile that is treasured more than anything; These are usually very expensive automobiles, but there are exceptions.

1) "I'd die for my fiancee because she's my pride and joy."

2) That beat-up, old motorcycle? Jim's dad gave it to him long ago. He says its his "pride and joy".

See pride, joy, girl, girlfriend, racecar, treasure, love, car, automobile, priceless


1) A nickname for someone very special to you, usually a lover, or spouse, or someone you treasure dearly.

2) A nickname for an automobile that is treasured more than anything; These are usually very expensive automobiles, but there are exceptions.

1) "I'd die for my fiancee because she's my pride and joy."

2) That beat-up, old motorcycle? Jim's dad gave it to him long ago. He says its his "pride and joy".

See pride, joy, girl, girlfriend, racecar, treasure, love, car, automobile, priceless


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