
What is Priet?


Main Entry: pri·et

Pronunciation: prI-et

Function: noun

a concentrated regimen of eating and drinking sparingly, as well as intense exercise, taken upon to reduce one's weight and refine one's physique in preparation for Gay Pride Week.

Brooke: "Have you noticed that all of the gay guys at our gym are less talkative, all of a a sudden?"

Nicole: "It's the begining of June, so they're all on intense priets, as to look their best for Pride at the end of the month."

See gay, pride, diet, june, exercise


Main Entry: pri·et

Pronunciation: prI-et

Function: noun

a concentrated regimen of eating and drinking sparingly, as well as intense exercise, taken upon to reduce one's weight and refine one's physique in preparation for Gay Pride Week.

Brooke: "Have you noticed that all of the gay guys at our gym are less talkative, all of a a sudden?"

Nicole: "It's the begining of June, so they're all on intense priets, as to look their best for Pride at the end of the month."

See gay, pride, diet, june, exercise


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