Print Screen Sheriff

What is Print Screen Sheriff?


Someone who will print screen everything potentially embarassing that someone says on IM.

Usually one of those really annoying people that could make absolutely ANYTHING an innuendo for something.

Josh: well tell me when you want it

Beth: :D

Beth: oh i will Josh.

Beth: *print screens*

Josh: You're such a print screen sheriff!

Beth: Keeping the IM world safer for both of us.

See innuendo, annoying, sheriff, print, screen


Someone who will print screen everything potentially embarassing that someone says on IM.

Usually one of those really annoying people that could make absolutely ANYTHING an innuendo for something.

Josh: well tell me when you want it

Beth: :D

Beth: oh i will Josh.

Beth: *print screens*

Josh: You're such a print screen sheriff!

Beth: Keeping the IM world safer for both of us.

See innuendo, annoying, sheriff, print, screen


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