What is Private Security Contractors?


Men, mainly former special operations operators, who are hired to perform duties pertaining to personal security for government priority personnel. These teams are often referred to as WPPS/PSD, although there are other types of specialized security being performed throughout the world. They are largely recruited from SEAL teams, Delta (CAG), the 75th Ranger Regiment, Special Forces, and Marine Force Recon. These men are hired for the training and experiences they obtained during their enlistments in special operations. They are then "vetted" by a company after attending a qualification course and deployed to protect whatever Charlie Brown looking motherfucker are told to. They are in return paid a respectable salary.

Regular military personnel are also often hired to perform lower tiered contracts, for lesser pay. IE: Static security, guard gates, admin. support, etc.

Many special operation's personnel are leaving the military in order to earn the six figure salaries that are being offered to Private Security Contractors.

Women may often run into men claiming they're Private Security Contractors. If they merely ask what special operations unit he served in while in the military they will often find out the men are sometimes full off shit gate guards, exaggerating, and riding the dicks of the real contractors and soldiers. She should immediately spit in these men's faces, then go fuck an Army Ranger.... well.

Private Security Contractors live by the motto: "Work hard, stay hard, play hard."

See mercs, seals, delta, special forces


Men, mainly former special operations operators, who are hired to perform duties pertaining to personal security for government priority personnel. These teams are often referred to as WPPS/PSD, although there are other types of specialized security being performed throughout the world. They are largely recruited from SEAL teams, Delta (CAG), the 75th Ranger Regiment, Special Forces, and Marine Force Recon. These men are hired for the training and experiences they obtained during their enlistments in special operations. They are then "vetted" by a company after attending a qualification course and deployed to protect whatever Charlie Brown looking motherfucker are told to. They are in return paid a respectable salary.

Regular military personnel are also often hired to perform lower tiered contracts, for lesser pay. IE: Static security, guard gates, admin. support, etc.

Many special operation's personnel are leaving the military in order to earn the six figure salaries that are being offered to Private Security Contractors.

Women may often run into men claiming they're Private Security Contractors. If they merely ask what special operations unit he served in while in the military they will often find out the men are sometimes full off shit gate guards, exaggerating, and riding the dicks of the real contractors and soldiers. She should immediately spit in these men's faces, then go fuck an Army Ranger.... well.

Private Security Contractors live by the motto: "Work hard, stay hard, play hard."

See mercs, seals, delta, special forces


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