Pro Style Gel

What is Pro Style Gel?


A type of gel that is usually only used by african american females because of the depth it has to it. It is really thick, and is has a deep brown color to it. It works wonders for people with very thick hair, although i wouldnt recommend it if your hair is thin, or if you have light colored hair.

Although it was'nt a very true statment

a song was made about it,

Although it was'nt a very true statment

a song was made about it,

"She's a runner and a ripper, pro style gel and beauty supply slippers...."(a song called 'hot in here' by a bay area rap group called 'the team')


A type of gel that is usually only used by african american females because of the depth it has to it. It is really thick, and is has a deep brown color to it. It works wonders for people with very thick hair, although i wouldnt recommend it if your hair is thin, or if you have light colored hair.

Although it was'nt a very true statment

a song was made about it,

Although it was'nt a very true statment

a song was made about it,

"She's a runner and a ripper, pro style gel and beauty supply slippers...."(a song called 'hot in here' by a bay area rap group called 'the team')


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