
What is Probama?


being in favor of barack obama for president.

man! I had no idea iowa was so probama

See barak, obama, election, politic, iowa, caucus


A word describing a supporter of Barack Obama for president, or any other office or the act of being for Obama.

I was originally going to vote for Hillary, but once she lost the primary I went PrObama, I figured anything is better than four more years of a Republican presidency.


I've been PrObama since he spoke at the DNC four years ago. I know he can change the country for good.

See nobama, puma, gop, change


A news article, comment or person that is dedicated to the worship of President Obama.

That 60 minutes episode was Probama; it said that Obama was responsible for everything--even the great weather today.

See obama, pro, president, office


Being completely in favor Of Barack Obama as the next President of the United States, with complete disdain for everything "Palin."

I am Probama, I am Pro American-Survival.

See good, messiah, genius, president, biden, barack


In accordance with or general favor of Barack Obama, specifically with regard to elections, policies, and general views.

- While Florida seemed to be politically "on the fence" for awhile, the probama Democratic citizens eventually prevailed.

See barack obama, democratic, conservative


being in favor of barack obama for president.

man! I had no idea iowa was so probama

See barak, obama, election, politic, iowa, caucus


A word describing a supporter of Barack Obama for president, or any other office or the act of being for Obama.

I was originally going to vote for Hillary, but once she lost the primary I went PrObama, I figured anything is better than four more years of a Republican presidency.


I've been PrObama since he spoke at the DNC four years ago. I know he can change the country for good.

See nobama, puma, gop, change


A news article, comment or person that is dedicated to the worship of President Obama.

That 60 minutes episode was Probama; it said that Obama was responsible for everything--even the great weather today.

See obama, pro, president, office


Being completely in favor Of Barack Obama as the next President of the United States, with complete disdain for everything "Palin."

I am Probama, I am Pro American-Survival.

See good, messiah, genius, president, biden, barack


In accordance with or general favor of Barack Obama, specifically with regard to elections, policies, and general views.

- While Florida seemed to be politically "on the fence" for awhile, the probama Democratic citizens eventually prevailed.

See barack obama, democratic, conservative


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