
What is Probs?


A shorter version of probably

Mckayla: Are you goin to the movies tomorrow night?

Emily: Probs.

See probably, mabes, whatev, prob, whatevs


short for problems.

- "Can I come along?"

- "No probs"


short for "probably". used sarcastically.

do you like ashley?

oh, PROBS like ashely. i would never like that bitch!

See probably, sarcasm, never


shorthand version on probably

person 1: are you going home tonight? person 2: probs!

See skatman


Short form of "Probably."

Can also be used as "Probs not."

Guy 1: "I'll probs go to the movies on Saturday. How 'bout you?"

Guy 2: "Probs not."

See probably, prob, unlikely, yes, no


A shorter version of probably

Mckayla: Are you goin to the movies tomorrow night?

Emily: Probs.

See probably, mabes, whatev, prob, whatevs


short for problems.

- "Can I come along?"

- "No probs"


short for "probably". used sarcastically.

do you like ashley?

oh, PROBS like ashely. i would never like that bitch!

See probably, sarcasm, never


shorthand version on probably

person 1: are you going home tonight? person 2: probs!

See skatman


Short form of "Probably."

Can also be used as "Probs not."

Guy 1: "I'll probs go to the movies on Saturday. How 'bout you?"

Guy 2: "Probs not."

See probably, prob, unlikely, yes, no


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