
What is Profanese?


(prop. n.) The primary language of New Yorkers. It stems from English, but consists of a fuckloadmore curses and profanity, though New Yorkers perceive them as everyday speech and are never offended. Foreigners to this day still can't understand this.

to a New Yorker "Can you teach me Profanese?"

New Yorker: "YOU TALKIN' TA ME?"

You: "Yeah, teach me how to talk like you."

New Yorker: "Fuck you! FOGEDDABODDIT! Dere.

You: "Hold on, I'm taking notes! I mean fucking notes! Err..."


The unofficial language of the U.S. Navy, spoken for the sake of brevity and clarity.

While our sister service, the United States Marine Corps, is able to grasp the rudiments of Profanese and speak it in a pidgen fashion, the Air Force fails to master even the most basic vocabulary, grammar and syntax rendering meaningful communications difficult.(Translated into Profanese thus: Fucking Grunts shit circles around douchebag zoomie mofos in talking shit.)


(prop. n.) The primary language of New Yorkers. It stems from English, but consists of a fuckloadmore curses and profanity, though New Yorkers perceive them as everyday speech and are never offended. Foreigners to this day still can't understand this.

to a New Yorker "Can you teach me Profanese?"

New Yorker: "YOU TALKIN' TA ME?"

You: "Yeah, teach me how to talk like you."

New Yorker: "Fuck you! FOGEDDABODDIT! Dere.

You: "Hold on, I'm taking notes! I mean fucking notes! Err..."


The unofficial language of the U.S. Navy, spoken for the sake of brevity and clarity.

While our sister service, the United States Marine Corps, is able to grasp the rudiments of Profanese and speak it in a pidgen fashion, the Air Force fails to master even the most basic vocabulary, grammar and syntax rendering meaningful communications difficult.(Translated into Profanese thus: Fucking Grunts shit circles around douchebag zoomie mofos in talking shit.)


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