
What is Profile?


to show off -to be seen by all at your best, with the best wearing the best, driving the best.

"Profilin' at da club wit my niggas and hoes."


the act of tracking people down via online tools or any other tools to find out more information about a person. Typically this word is used to describe males who are trying to find more information about females they have met or are attracted to. Though woman have been known to profile men. Not to be confused with stalking where the difference lies in the intent. Stalkers and stalking is normally used to describe people who track people down normally with evil intent, like trying to murder them, annoy them, rape them, etc...profilers are above this kind of behavoir.

Hey Daniel did you hear about Ryan? He met this girl Karen yesterday at Club Mood and didn't get her number but he profiled her on myspace and found out that she has two kids!

See stalking, profiling, hunting


To profile someone is to show a person a complete side view of your naked body sometimes hiding the front and back of your body with a towel.

Can I get a towel sandwich with a side of sausage? Here's your profile baby!

See half-ass


to give someone a title because of race, gender, or religion

all Jews are rich


A description of one's self to aide in fighting off the fuckwits in a Chat Room. Usually these same tards don't read it, so why does one actually create them?

ASL? Go read a profile you fuckwit. ASL? GO READ A PROFILE YOU FUCKWIT.

See huggy


Verb. To profile is to place a phrase or quote in an instant messenger profile (usually AIM).

Dude, that was really funny, profile that immediately!


to show off -to be seen by all at your best, with the best wearing the best, driving the best.

"Profilin' at da club wit my niggas and hoes."


the act of tracking people down via online tools or any other tools to find out more information about a person. Typically this word is used to describe males who are trying to find more information about females they have met or are attracted to. Though woman have been known to profile men. Not to be confused with stalking where the difference lies in the intent. Stalkers and stalking is normally used to describe people who track people down normally with evil intent, like trying to murder them, annoy them, rape them, etc...profilers are above this kind of behavoir.

Hey Daniel did you hear about Ryan? He met this girl Karen yesterday at Club Mood and didn't get her number but he profiled her on myspace and found out that she has two kids!

See stalking, profiling, hunting


To profile someone is to show a person a complete side view of your naked body sometimes hiding the front and back of your body with a towel.

Can I get a towel sandwich with a side of sausage? Here's your profile baby!

See half-ass


to give someone a title because of race, gender, or religion

all Jews are rich


A description of one's self to aide in fighting off the fuckwits in a Chat Room. Usually these same tards don't read it, so why does one actually create them?

ASL? Go read a profile you fuckwit. ASL? GO READ A PROFILE YOU FUCKWIT.

See huggy


Verb. To profile is to place a phrase or quote in an instant messenger profile (usually AIM).

Dude, that was really funny, profile that immediately!


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