
What is Program?


The Program relates to taking recreational drugs, ie: speed, ecstasy, blow.... If you are 'on the program' it means you've been taking some kind or a mixture of these drugs for any length of time.

1. Man, i dont think i can even move today, i got on the program hard last night.

2. Get off the program dude, youre not making any sence.

See wasted, off tap


ta steal somethin from a person store or place

when lance and chuck went to champs chuck programed them forces

See program, steal, take, hide


the way in which you go about picking up a girl

usually a program has a good wingman and a good angle

hey man lets go run a program on that broad

man i ran a sweet program tonight


The correct spelling is programme!

its spelt programme, idiot!


The Program relates to taking recreational drugs, ie: speed, ecstasy, blow.... If you are 'on the program' it means you've been taking some kind or a mixture of these drugs for any length of time.

1. Man, i dont think i can even move today, i got on the program hard last night.

2. Get off the program dude, youre not making any sence.

See wasted, off tap


ta steal somethin from a person store or place

when lance and chuck went to champs chuck programed them forces

See program, steal, take, hide


the way in which you go about picking up a girl

usually a program has a good wingman and a good angle

hey man lets go run a program on that broad

man i ran a sweet program tonight


The correct spelling is programme!

its spelt programme, idiot!


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