
What is Programming?


The most fun you can have with your clothes on, although clothes are not mandatory.

cout << "Feelin that breeze down below as i code away :)"


The art of turning caffeineinto Error Messages.

12-midnight is the critcal point for programming, at which time the relationship of errors vs caffeine increases exponentially.

See coding, code, software engineering


The Best way to ... everything! Seriously you can program when you're:

Sad, Happy, Dancing, Sweating, Running, Jogging, Sing, Eating a Banana, Listenning to Britney Spears, Ignoring a Britney Spears Concert, Sitting, Standing, Baby-Sitting, Baby-Standing, Dressing, Undressing, Looking, Feeling, Living (preferably), Dying (although you might have better things to be doing), searching, meeting, throwing, dazing, shooting, carpetting, doing homework, breaking, screwing, Distressed, disgruntled, angry, pressed, stressed, etc. You get the point.

But I find it extremely useful right after a break-up. See example....

int main()


struct girl {

int happy_level;

char next_action(100);

int execute_action();

int render_action();


girl Susan = new girl;

Susan.happy_level -= 1000000000;

Susan.next_action = "Jump off cliff";







cout<<"The action could not be executed. Susan's life will now become hell."<<endl;



Susan.happy_level -= 1;





To make programs.

Usually on computers.

I'm programming a Neural Network.


In the beginning there was the computer. And God said:

%Create the heaven and earth!

#Enter user id.


#Enter password.


#Password incorrect. Try again.


#Password incorrect. Try again.


#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Sunday, March 1.

%Create the heaven and earth!

#Unrecognizable command. Try again.

%Create earth


%Run earth

#And God created the heavens and earth and they were dark. And God


there were 0 errors.

%Let there be light!

#Too many perameters. Try again.

%Create light


%Run light

#And thus there was Day and Night

#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Sunday, March 1.

#Approx. funds remaining: $92.50.

#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Monday, March 2.

#Good morning, God, Welcome to the UNIVERSE network

%Let there be firmament in the midst of water and light

#Unrecognisable command. Try again.

%Create firmament


%Run firmament

#And God divided the waters. And God saw there were 0 errors.

%Let the waters under heaven be gathered together unto one place and

letthe dry land appear and

#Too many characters in specification string. Try again.

%Create dry_land


%Run dry_land

#And God created dry land. And God saw there were 0 errors.

#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Monday, March 2.

#Approx. funds remaining: $84.60.

#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Tuesday, March 3.

%Create lights in the firmament to divide the day from the night

#Unspecified type. Try again.

%Create sun_moon_stars


%Run sun_moon_stars

#And God created the lights in the heavens. And God saw there were 0


%Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit

tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself,

upon the earth.

#Error unmatched 'grass'

%Create grass_herbs_fruit


%Run grass_herbs_fruit

#And God brought fprth grass and herb yielding seed and the trees

yielding fruit. And God saw there were 0 errors.

#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Tuesday, March 3.

#Approx. funds remaining: $65.00.

#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Wednesday, March 4.

%Create fish


%Create fowl


%Run fish, fowl

#And God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that

creepeth wherewith the waters swarmed after its kind

and every winged fowl after its kind. And God saw there were 0 errors.

#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Wednesday, March 4.

#Approx. funds remaining: $54.00.

#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Thursday, March 5.

%Create cattle


%Create creepy_things


%Run cattle, creepy_things

#And God created cattle to graze over the land and creepy crawly

thingsto fly about the night. And God saw that there were

0 errors.

#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Thursday, March 5.

#Approx. funds remaining: $45.00.

#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Friday, March 6.

%Now let us make man in our image

#Unspecified type. Try again.

%Create man


%Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have

dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of

the air and over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth

#Too many command operands. Try again.

%Run multiplication

#Execution terminated. 6 errors.

%Insert breath


%Run multiplication

#Execution terminated. 5 errors.

%Move man to Garden of Eden

#Directory Garden of Eden does not exist.

%Create Garden.edn#Done

%Move man Garden.edn#Done

%Run multiplication

#Execution terminated. 4 errors.

%Copy Garden.ednman Garden.ednwoman


%Run multiplication

#Execution terminated. 3 errors.

%Insert woman into man

#Illegal parameters. Try again.

%Insert man into woman


%Run multiplication

#Execution terminated. 2 errors.

%Create desire


%Run multiplication

#And God saw man and woman being fruitful and multiplying in


#Warning: No time limit on this run. 1 errors.

%Create freewill


%Run freewill

#And God saw man and woman being fruitful and multiplying in


#Warning: No time limit on this run. 1 errors.

%Undo desire

#Desire cannot be undone once freewill is created.

%Destroy freewill

#Freewill is an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed.

#Enter replacement, cancel, or ask for help.


#Desire cannot be undone once freewill is created.

#Freewill is an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed.

#Enter replacement, cancel, or ask for help.

%Bugger {backspace}

%Create tree_of_knowledge

#And God saw man and woman being fruitful and multiplying in


#Warning: No time limit on this run. 1 errors.

%Create good, evil


%Run evil

#And God saw he had created shame.

#Warning system error in sector E95. Man and woman not in

Garden.edn#1 errors.

%Grep Garden.edn 'man' 'woman'

#Search failed.

%Delete shame

#Shame cannot be deleted once evil has been activated.

%Destroy freewill

#Freewill is an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed.

#Enter replacement, cancel, or ask for help.


#Unrecognizable command. Try again







%Create new world

#You have exceeded your allocated file space. You must destroy old


before new ones can be created.

%Destroy earth

#Destroy earth: Please confirm n.




#And God logged off at 11:59:59 PM, Friday, March 6.

#Approx. funds remaining: $00.00.

Do programming for the brain not the heart beat!

See computer, program, code, symbol, character


Basically, telling your computer to do stuff using a programming language. As long as the computer understands the code, it will execute the command blindly.

I tried reprogramming Windows and my computer crashed.

I programmed my computer to overclock itself.

I programmed my computer to create and save files on my hard drive. For some reason, it stopped working...

See nerdy, smart, cool, easy, KC


A systematic brainwashing of sorts used in the penal system as an attempt to turn inmates into people who can function acceptably in society.

Inmate #36524 refuses to program; let's throw him in the hole.


The most fun you can have with your clothes on, although clothes are not mandatory.

cout << "Feelin that breeze down below as i code away :)"


The art of turning caffeineinto Error Messages.

12-midnight is the critcal point for programming, at which time the relationship of errors vs caffeine increases exponentially.

See coding, code, software engineering


The Best way to ... everything! Seriously you can program when you're:

Sad, Happy, Dancing, Sweating, Running, Jogging, Sing, Eating a Banana, Listenning to Britney Spears, Ignoring a Britney Spears Concert, Sitting, Standing, Baby-Sitting, Baby-Standing, Dressing, Undressing, Looking, Feeling, Living (preferably), Dying (although you might have better things to be doing), searching, meeting, throwing, dazing, shooting, carpetting, doing homework, breaking, screwing, Distressed, disgruntled, angry, pressed, stressed, etc. You get the point.

But I find it extremely useful right after a break-up. See example....

int main()


struct girl {

int happy_level;

char next_action(100);

int execute_action();

int render_action();


girl Susan = new girl;

Susan.happy_level -= 1000000000;

Susan.next_action = "Jump off cliff";







cout<<"The action could not be executed. Susan's life will now become hell."<<endl;



Susan.happy_level -= 1;





To make programs.

Usually on computers.

I'm programming a Neural Network.


In the beginning there was the computer. And God said:

%Create the heaven and earth!

#Enter user id.


#Enter password.


#Password incorrect. Try again.


#Password incorrect. Try again.


#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Sunday, March 1.

%Create the heaven and earth!

#Unrecognizable command. Try again.

%Create earth


%Run earth

#And God created the heavens and earth and they were dark. And God


there were 0 errors.

%Let there be light!

#Too many perameters. Try again.

%Create light


%Run light

#And thus there was Day and Night

#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Sunday, March 1.

#Approx. funds remaining: $92.50.

#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Monday, March 2.

#Good morning, God, Welcome to the UNIVERSE network

%Let there be firmament in the midst of water and light

#Unrecognisable command. Try again.

%Create firmament


%Run firmament

#And God divided the waters. And God saw there were 0 errors.

%Let the waters under heaven be gathered together unto one place and

letthe dry land appear and

#Too many characters in specification string. Try again.

%Create dry_land


%Run dry_land

#And God created dry land. And God saw there were 0 errors.

#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Monday, March 2.

#Approx. funds remaining: $84.60.

#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Tuesday, March 3.

%Create lights in the firmament to divide the day from the night

#Unspecified type. Try again.

%Create sun_moon_stars


%Run sun_moon_stars

#And God created the lights in the heavens. And God saw there were 0


%Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit

tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself,

upon the earth.

#Error unmatched 'grass'

%Create grass_herbs_fruit


%Run grass_herbs_fruit

#And God brought fprth grass and herb yielding seed and the trees

yielding fruit. And God saw there were 0 errors.

#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Tuesday, March 3.

#Approx. funds remaining: $65.00.

#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Wednesday, March 4.

%Create fish


%Create fowl


%Run fish, fowl

#And God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that

creepeth wherewith the waters swarmed after its kind

and every winged fowl after its kind. And God saw there were 0 errors.

#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Wednesday, March 4.

#Approx. funds remaining: $54.00.

#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Thursday, March 5.

%Create cattle


%Create creepy_things


%Run cattle, creepy_things

#And God created cattle to graze over the land and creepy crawly

thingsto fly about the night. And God saw that there were

0 errors.

#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Thursday, March 5.

#Approx. funds remaining: $45.00.

#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Friday, March 6.

%Now let us make man in our image

#Unspecified type. Try again.

%Create man


%Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have

dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of

the air and over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth

#Too many command operands. Try again.

%Run multiplication

#Execution terminated. 6 errors.

%Insert breath


%Run multiplication

#Execution terminated. 5 errors.

%Move man to Garden of Eden

#Directory Garden of Eden does not exist.

%Create Garden.edn#Done

%Move man Garden.edn#Done

%Run multiplication

#Execution terminated. 4 errors.

%Copy Garden.ednman Garden.ednwoman


%Run multiplication

#Execution terminated. 3 errors.

%Insert woman into man

#Illegal parameters. Try again.

%Insert man into woman


%Run multiplication

#Execution terminated. 2 errors.

%Create desire


%Run multiplication

#And God saw man and woman being fruitful and multiplying in


#Warning: No time limit on this run. 1 errors.

%Create freewill


%Run freewill

#And God saw man and woman being fruitful and multiplying in


#Warning: No time limit on this run. 1 errors.

%Undo desire

#Desire cannot be undone once freewill is created.

%Destroy freewill

#Freewill is an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed.

#Enter replacement, cancel, or ask for help.


#Desire cannot be undone once freewill is created.

#Freewill is an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed.

#Enter replacement, cancel, or ask for help.

%Bugger {backspace}

%Create tree_of_knowledge

#And God saw man and woman being fruitful and multiplying in


#Warning: No time limit on this run. 1 errors.

%Create good, evil


%Run evil

#And God saw he had created shame.

#Warning system error in sector E95. Man and woman not in

Garden.edn#1 errors.

%Grep Garden.edn 'man' 'woman'

#Search failed.

%Delete shame

#Shame cannot be deleted once evil has been activated.

%Destroy freewill

#Freewill is an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed.

#Enter replacement, cancel, or ask for help.


#Unrecognizable command. Try again







%Create new world

#You have exceeded your allocated file space. You must destroy old


before new ones can be created.

%Destroy earth

#Destroy earth: Please confirm n.




#And God logged off at 11:59:59 PM, Friday, March 6.

#Approx. funds remaining: $00.00.

Do programming for the brain not the heart beat!

See computer, program, code, symbol, character


Basically, telling your computer to do stuff using a programming language. As long as the computer understands the code, it will execute the command blindly.

I tried reprogramming Windows and my computer crashed.

I programmed my computer to overclock itself.

I programmed my computer to create and save files on my hard drive. For some reason, it stopped working...

See nerdy, smart, cool, easy, KC


A systematic brainwashing of sorts used in the penal system as an attempt to turn inmates into people who can function acceptably in society.

Inmate #36524 refuses to program; let's throw him in the hole.


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