What is Progressive Conservative?


N. An oxymoron. A political party in Canada. Created in the 1830s, formed the first government of Canada under the name Liberal Conservatives (another oxymoron), changed their name to Conservatives and then merged with the Progressive Party to become the Progressive Conservatives. After the Mulrooney government they became very unpopular.

Joe Clark is a progressive Conservative.

See bill


A political party in Canada, far right on the political spectrum, they resemble the Republican party of U.S.A, thats right, they believe that if a woman is raped and gets pregnant from it, she can't get an abortion, they also believe in privatizing health care, and sending troops abroad to "DEFEND" ourselves.

I have one question for all you who support the Progressive Conservative party of Canada, Who would Jesus bomb?!? That's right, nobody, because he didn't raise his fist once in the entire bible.

See conservative, republican, hypocracy, nazism


N. An oxymoron. A political party in Canada. Created in the 1830s, formed the first government of Canada under the name Liberal Conservatives (another oxymoron), changed their name to Conservatives and then merged with the Progressive Party to become the Progressive Conservatives. After the Mulrooney government they became very unpopular.

Joe Clark is a progressive Conservative.

See bill


A political party in Canada, far right on the political spectrum, they resemble the Republican party of U.S.A, thats right, they believe that if a woman is raped and gets pregnant from it, she can't get an abortion, they also believe in privatizing health care, and sending troops abroad to "DEFEND" ourselves.

I have one question for all you who support the Progressive Conservative party of Canada, Who would Jesus bomb?!? That's right, nobody, because he didn't raise his fist once in the entire bible.

See conservative, republican, hypocracy, nazism


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