Prom Promise

What is Prom Promise?


a bullshitdeclaration that some high schoolstudents are forced to sign by their goody goody two shoes parents that says that they won't use alcohol or drugs during prom night. Ah-ha-ha-hahahahahahahahah!

Prom Promise is an idea spawned by extremeMADD-types, Tipper Gore-types and soccer moms. If you resort to having your kids make such chicken shitpledges like that then you don't really trust them and you ain't raising them up in a good way. If you've done your max to rear them right then you have to let them loose.

1. "...he's got to make his own mistakes..."


New World Man

2. the little birdie has to fly sometime.

See crock of shit, bumper sticker, rush, canada, rock'n'roll, bogus, crap, arrogant, statue, drugs suck


a bullshitdeclaration that some high schoolstudents are forced to sign by their goody goody two shoes parents that says that they won't use alcohol or drugs during prom night. Ah-ha-ha-hahahahahahahahah!

Prom Promise is an idea spawned by extremeMADD-types, Tipper Gore-types and soccer moms. If you resort to having your kids make such chicken shitpledges like that then you don't really trust them and you ain't raising them up in a good way. If you've done your max to rear them right then you have to let them loose.

1. "...he's got to make his own mistakes..."


New World Man

2. the little birdie has to fly sometime.

See crock of shit, bumper sticker, rush, canada, rock'n'roll, bogus, crap, arrogant, statue, drugs suck


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