
What is Promispronunciation?


1. pro-mis-pronunciation: To purposely pronounce badly or incorrectly.

To walk into a coffee shop and order a "Grand" coffee for the pleasure of hearing the overstimulated staff covertly correct you by reapeating "A Grande?" would be defined as promispronunciation. Other good ones include EXpress-o(espresso) Kwee-shay (Quiche), or Horse Overies 'Hors d'oeuvres').

See mix, mash


1. pro-mis-pronunciation: To purposely pronounce badly or incorrectly.

To walk into a coffee shop and order a "Grand" coffee for the pleasure of hearing the overstimulated staff covertly correct you by reapeating "A Grande?" would be defined as promispronunciation. Other good ones include EXpress-o(espresso) Kwee-shay (Quiche), or Horse Overies 'Hors d'oeuvres').

See mix, mash


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