What is Pronkify?
Virginian word that can substitute a noun, adjective, or number
"All Pronks living Pronkfully in this land of Pronk, have a rightful and Pronkful duty to Pronk, what ever Pronks Pronkfully Pronked, Pronkfully Pronkify them to Pronk"
Person A - count to ten
Virginian Student - one, two, Pronk, Four....
Virginian word that can substitute a noun, adjective, or number
"All Pronks living Pronkfully in this land of Pronk, have a rightful and Pronkful duty to Pronk, what ever Pronks Pronkfully Pronked, Pronkfully Pronkify them to Pronk"
Person A - count to ten
Virginian Student - one, two, Pronk, Four....
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