
What is Pronto?


immediately, right away, hurry up

I need this done, pronto!


right now, hurry

Bitch get on your knees and suck it, pronto


1- Slang for expressing the need or desire for expediancy; most noticeable in the speech of stoners and surfers, and stoner-surfers.

MAN: "I'm late for work how long will this take?"

STONER-SURFER: "Oh dude, I'll hook you up pronto."

MAN: "Thanks!"

See fast, hurry, quick


A fucking kick ass pizza place in wolfville

"i need me some fuckin pronto g-money"

See pronto, pizza, awesome, kick-ass, mudkipz


A software application that is actually build using the RCG. Originally designed as a web based 401(k) record keeping system it has since evolved into a source of income while reading "The Onion", "Dilbert", "Mr Cranky", downloading mp3s, and discussing Southpark.

Hey have you seen The Onion yet? Nope, don't have time, I'll wait until I'm working on pronto and waiting for a screen to load.


immediately, right away, hurry up

I need this done, pronto!


right now, hurry

Bitch get on your knees and suck it, pronto


1- Slang for expressing the need or desire for expediancy; most noticeable in the speech of stoners and surfers, and stoner-surfers.

MAN: "I'm late for work how long will this take?"

STONER-SURFER: "Oh dude, I'll hook you up pronto."

MAN: "Thanks!"

See fast, hurry, quick


A fucking kick ass pizza place in wolfville

"i need me some fuckin pronto g-money"

See pronto, pizza, awesome, kick-ass, mudkipz


A software application that is actually build using the RCG. Originally designed as a web based 401(k) record keeping system it has since evolved into a source of income while reading "The Onion", "Dilbert", "Mr Cranky", downloading mp3s, and discussing Southpark.

Hey have you seen The Onion yet? Nope, don't have time, I'll wait until I'm working on pronto and waiting for a screen to load.


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