Proof Or Stfu

What is Proof Or Stfu?


Phrase used in pretty much every conceivable scenario when person#1 makes a claim that requires proof to be believed, and person#2 demands that the proof be given, or person#1 shuts the fuck up.

Pietro, Ultra, Earl Grey: Hey! That's not fair ACM! "proof or stfu" is our phrase that we invented!

The ACM: proof or stfu

See proof, stfu, forum, chav, n00b


Phrase used in pretty much every conceivable scenario when person#1 makes a claim that requires proof to be believed, and person#2 demands that the proof be given, or person#1 shuts the fuck up.

Pietro, Ultra, Earl Grey: Hey! That's not fair ACM! "proof or stfu" is our phrase that we invented!

The ACM: proof or stfu

See proof, stfu, forum, chav, n00b


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