
What is Proofproof?


The highest of all proofs. An object so strong it cannot be undone or marred by anything (i.e. fire, power tools, teeth, natural disasters), even proof.

No single one of their hair-brain schemes was proofproof.

You cannot proofproof an egg, asshole.

Some think a diamond to be proofproof. They are dead wrong.

See invincible, intangible, indestructible, die


The highest of all proofs. An object so strong it cannot be undone or marred by anything (i.e. fire, power tools, teeth, natural disasters), even proof.

No single one of their hair-brain schemes was proofproof.

You cannot proofproof an egg, asshole.

Some think a diamond to be proofproof. They are wrong.

See invincible, infinite, impossible, indestructible


The highest of all proofs. An object so strong it cannot be undone or marred by anything (i.e. fire, power tools, teeth, natural disasters), even proof.

No single one of their hair-brain schemes was proofproof.

You cannot proofproof an egg, asshole.

Some think a diamond to be proofproof. They are wrong.

See invincible, indestructible, intangible, immortal


The highest of all proofs. An object so strong it cannot be undone or marred by anything (i.e. fire, power tools, teeth, natural disasters), even proof.

No single one of their hair-brain schemes was proofproof.

You cannot proofproof an egg, asshole.

Some think a diamond to be proofproof. They are dead wrong.

See invincible, intangible, indestructible, die


The highest of all proofs. An object so strong it cannot be undone or marred by anything (i.e. fire, power tools, teeth, natural disasters), even proof.

No single one of their hair-brain schemes was proofproof.

You cannot proofproof an egg, asshole.

Some think a diamond to be proofproof. They are wrong.

See invincible, infinite, impossible, indestructible


The highest of all proofs. An object so strong it cannot be undone or marred by anything (i.e. fire, power tools, teeth, natural disasters), even proof.

No single one of their hair-brain schemes was proofproof.

You cannot proofproof an egg, asshole.

Some think a diamond to be proofproof. They are wrong.

See invincible, indestructible, intangible, immortal


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