
What is Proradical?


description of prorad

opposite of conradical

or it could be something like a cookie, you thought was going to taste good, but then was really gross.

person 1: OooH! Let me have some of your cookie!

person 2: okay mann....

person 1: (takes a bite and spits it out) EWW! Its PRORADICAL! I thought it would taste good..

See prorad, conrad, conradical, cookie, radical


description of prorad

opposite of conradical

or it could be something like a cookie, you thought was going to taste good, but then was really gross.

person 1: OooH! Let me have some of your cookie!

person 2: okay mann....

person 1: (takes a bite and spits it out) EWW! Its PRORADICAL! I thought it would taste good..

See prorad, conrad, conradical, cookie, radical


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