
What is Proscript?


ProScript is a popular bot coded in msl (mIRC) for the IRCnetwork SwiftIRC. It serves thousands of users every day. The majority of the commands are RuneScape related, but it also has support for many other games.

I use ProScript as my IRC Channels bot. It rocks!

See proscript, swiftirc, ProScript


ProScript is a popular bot coded in msl (mIRC) for the IRCnetwork SwiftIRC. It serves thousands of users every day. The majority of the commands are RuneScape related, but it also has support for many other games.

I use ProScript as my IRC Channels bot. It rocks!

See proscript, swiftirc, mirc, bot, runescape, ProScript


ProScript is a popular bot coded in msl (mIRC) for the IRCnetwork SwiftIRC. It serves thousands of users every day. The majority of the commands are RuneScape related, but it also has support for many other games.

I use ProScript as my IRC Channels bot. It rocks!

See proscript, swiftirc, ProScript


ProScript is a popular bot coded in msl (mIRC) for the IRCnetwork SwiftIRC. It serves thousands of users every day. The majority of the commands are RuneScape related, but it also has support for many other games.

I use ProScript as my IRC Channels bot. It rocks!

See proscript, swiftirc, mirc, bot, runescape, ProScript


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