
What is Prosh?


Short for "precious," meaning extremely cute.

That puppy is so prosh! Look at his adorable brown eyes.

See precious, cute, adorable, twee, sweet


a group of losers that act like losers inside there own group to feel cool, but to others outside there group, seem like the biggest losers u you have ever met. these people tend to hang round in clusters and have a token girl amongst many guys. can be distinguished by constant quotes of comedies. ie family guy, simpsons, american dad etc.

a person that wears a helicopter hat thinking that they are being cool but are just being prosh.

See losers, uncool, geeks


Short for "precious," meaning extremely cute.

That puppy is so prosh! Look at his adorable brown eyes.

See precious, cute, adorable, twee, sweet


a group of losers that act like losers inside there own group to feel cool, but to others outside there group, seem like the biggest losers u you have ever met. these people tend to hang round in clusters and have a token girl amongst many guys. can be distinguished by constant quotes of comedies. ie family guy, simpsons, american dad etc.

a person that wears a helicopter hat thinking that they are being cool but are just being prosh.

See losers, uncool, geeks


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