
What is Prospaztic?


the mix of the two words pro and spastic

if some one is professional spastic.

Edward H: grugaraga

Liam E :what a prospaztic

Sam H :see that kid over there

Liam :(looks at Edward H) ha ye, havent you noticed lately he walks like a prospaztic

Sam H :i was going to say that

See spastic, spaz, pro, div, reatard, retarded, silly, stupid


the mix of the two words pro and spastic

if some one is professional spastic.

Edward H: grugaraga

Liam E :what a prospaztic

Sam H :see that kid over there

Liam :(looks at Edward H) ha ye, havent you noticed lately he walks like a prospaztic

Sam H :i was going to say that

See spastic, spaz, pro, div, reatard, retarded, silly, stupid


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