
What is Prostatetute?


High end manwhore, buddy who is occasionally a whore on sale. But tends to be a delusional fuck.

For instance, when a buddy douches out on you, in futile pursuit of some girl.

What the fuck is wrong with Dave, why is he being such a prostatetute.

See male prostitute, male slut, manwhore, delusional cockbag, asshat, Konark


High end manwhore, buddy who is occasionally a whore on sale. But tends to be a delusional fuck.

For instance, when a buddy douches out on you, in futile pursuit of some girl.

What the fuck is wrong with Dave, why is he being such a prostatetute.

See male prostitute, male slut, manwhore, delusional cockbag, asshat, Konark


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