
What is Prostifume?


Perfume, worn by a female, that has a strong, cheap scent. Usually the female will wear it in access making it possible to smell from quite a distance. Prostifume has varying scents yet they all tend to smell very alike.

Hugh: "Man, you smell that?"

Jerry: "Do I ever, that chick reaks of prostifume"

Hugh: "I'm getting a headache, lets get out of here"

See chick, smelly, nasty, strong, cheap


Perfume, worn by a female, that has a strong, cheap scent. Usually the female will wear it in access making it possible to smell from quite a distance. Prostifume has varying scents yet they all tend to smell very alike.

Hugh: "Man, you smell that?"

Jerry: "Do I ever, that chick reaks of prostifume"

Hugh: "I'm getting a headache, lets get out of here"

See chick, smelly, nasty, strong, cheap


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