
What is Prostitchewt?


A person who chews gum with a wide eschewed chewing action and who in doing so produces staccato clicking sounds reminiscent of a dolphin in a war.

I wish that guy next to me would shop chewing so loudly; he’s driving me crazy with his prostitchewtion. Any normal person would be considerate and not prostichewt themselves at work.

See chew, prostitute, whore, ho ho ho


A person who chews gum with a wide eschewed chewing action and who in doing so produces staccato clicking sounds reminiscent of a dolphin in a war.

I wish that guy next to me would shop chewing so loudly; he’s driving me crazy with his prostitchewtion. Any normal person would be considerate and not prostichewt themselves at work.

See chew, prostitute, whore, ho ho ho


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