What is Prostitot?
A young girl with too much makeup and not enough clothes.
That prostitot should put on some clothes.
An obviously underage girl who dresses like a whore...
The junior high just let out...look at all them prostitots...
A child resembling, or working as a prostitute. Usually the result of admiring britney, xtina or their skanky-ass mother.
Stacy put on her assless chaps and went out to play on the swings/pick up men. Fuckin prostitot...
Those 12-14 year old girls who dress like underaged prostitutes..generally found hanging around malls.
Though they may not look like it, Prostitots are still illegal to touch.
(n) 1. Young Girl who dresses in a scandelous manner. 2. Female preteen intent on attracting adult men.
That prostitot is showing her diaper.
A dyslexic 12 year-old girl who thinks she's 21 and dresses accordingly. Thongs, tank tops, short skirts and other revealing clothes are the hallmarks of the prostitot.
Prostitot: Want a lapdance?
Guy: What are you, like 12? I'm no pedophile
A small child who dresses like a prostitute in clothing, make-up or other things. Also a random insult to confuse stupid people.
"That little prostitot's shirt is smaller than some of my bathingsuits."
"Did you see Ally's shirt? She is such a prostitot."
"My computer is a prostitot."
A young girl with too much makeup and not enough clothes.
That prostitot should put on some clothes.
An obviously underage girl who dresses like a whore...
The junior high just let out...look at all them prostitots...
A child resembling, or working as a prostitute. Usually the result of admiring britney, xtina or their skanky-ass mother.
Stacy put on her assless chaps and went out to play on the swings/pick up men. Fuckin prostitot...
Those 12-14 year old girls who dress like underaged prostitutes..generally found hanging around malls.
Though they may not look like it, Prostitots are still illegal to touch.
(n) 1. Young Girl who dresses in a scandelous manner. 2. Female preteen intent on attracting adult men.
That prostitot is showing her diaper.
A dyslexic 12 year-old girl who thinks she's 21 and dresses accordingly. Thongs, tank tops, short skirts and other revealing clothes are the hallmarks of the prostitot.
Prostitot: Want a lapdance?
Guy: What are you, like 12? I'm no pedophile
A small child who dresses like a prostitute in clothing, make-up or other things. Also a random insult to confuse stupid people.
"That little prostitot's shirt is smaller than some of my bathingsuits."
"Did you see Ally's shirt? She is such a prostitot."
"My computer is a prostitot."