Prosti-tot Clothes

What is Prosti-tot Clothes?


The type of clothing you find in alot of clothing stores that trys to make your 2 1/2 year old daughter look a prostitute.

You are trying to find clothes for your 2 1/2 year old daughter at the local kids clothing store. But as soon as you walk in you see all of the outfits are low cut, mid waist, hoochie mama clothes something a prostitute would wear. That store sells Prosti-Tot clothes for little girls.

See prostitot, hoochie, lolita, snug, too short


The type of clothing you find in alot of clothing stores that trys to make your 2 1/2 year old daughter look a prostitute.

You are trying to find clothes for your 2 1/2 year old daughter at the local kids clothing store. But as soon as you walk in you see all of the outfits are low cut, mid waist, hoochie mama clothes something a prostitute would wear. That store sells Prosti-Tot clothes for little girls.

See prostitot, hoochie, lolita, snug, too short


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