What is Prostitots?
Children who dress in revealing, adult type fashion. May include hair and makeup styles that are not age appropriate.
Kids who dress like club chicks and whores.
Where does that Prostitot think she's going, school or to the club?
Prepubescent girls who already dress like whores
Pre-teen girl who thinks that she is actually more mature than she is. She dresses like she is 25 (a slutty 25 year old), wears, tons of makeup, and usually smokes and drinks. These girls usually hang out at malls (since they cant get in anyplace else). Since the mall is the only place these girls go on Friday and Saturday nights they usually dress like they are going to the party of the year. They are the only people at the mall dressing like they are going to a club (even when it is 20 degrees outside).
Ew, Bob, dont look at that girl! She is a prostitot and TOTALLY too young for you!
An underage girl who dresses like a prostitute.
Every Friday afternoon this town is filled with prostitots. I need to ask for ID before talking to anyone.
A girl between the ages of 12-17 who slut it up with all the guys for candy and smokes.
shwab almostfinger banged a prostitot
Children who dress in revealing, adult type fashion. May include hair and makeup styles that are not age appropriate.
Kids who dress like club chicks and whores.
Where does that Prostitot think she's going, school or to the club?
Prepubescent girls who already dress like whores
Pre-teen girl who thinks that she is actually more mature than she is. She dresses like she is 25 (a slutty 25 year old), wears, tons of makeup, and usually smokes and drinks. These girls usually hang out at malls (since they cant get in anyplace else). Since the mall is the only place these girls go on Friday and Saturday nights they usually dress like they are going to the party of the year. They are the only people at the mall dressing like they are going to a club (even when it is 20 degrees outside).
Ew, Bob, dont look at that girl! She is a prostitot and TOTALLY too young for you!
An underage girl who dresses like a prostitute.
Every Friday afternoon this town is filled with prostitots. I need to ask for ID before talking to anyone.
A girl between the ages of 12-17 who slut it up with all the guys for candy and smokes.
shwab almostfinger banged a prostitot