
What is Prostitue?


A prostitue is a woman who exchanges sex for money. She sells her body for money. She can be a $5 crackhead streetwalker to a $3,000 escort. Porno stars can be called prostitutes. Porn stars make less than high priced call girls(adult movie stars make their big money stripping).

Transsexuals can be prostitutes. Crossdressers can be prostitutes. Men can be prostitutes for other men.

Rarely do straight women use a male prostitue(or gigolo).

Unfortunately prostitutes are too often underage children.

Prostitution is legal in Neveda and select countries.

Wanda is a crack ho prostitue.

I needed a prostitute so I looked under "escorts".

What's the difference between a porn star and a prostitue? Nothing.

See pro, whore, ho, sex worker


A prostitue is a woman who exchanges sex for money. She sells her body for money. She can be a $5 crackhead streetwalker to a $3,000 escort. Porno stars can be called prostitutes. Porn stars make less than high priced call girls(adult movie stars make their big money stripping).

Transsexuals can be prostitutes. Crossdressers can be prostitutes. Men can be prostitutes for other men.

Rarely do straight women use a male prostitue(or gigolo).

Unfortunately prostitutes are too often underage children.

Prostitution is legal in Neveda and select countries.

Wanda is a crack ho prostitue.

I needed a prostitute so I looked under "escorts".

What's the difference between a porn star and a prostitue? Nothing.

See pro, whore, ho, sex worker


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