Prostituted Women

What is Prostituted Women?


An alternative to calling trafficked women "prostitutes," which recognizes the humanity of the individuals concerned, and whose identities ought not to be conflated with what is, to many such women, an experience of ongoing serial rape, typically controlled by pimps.

"According to international studies cited by the Swedish Ministry of Industry, Employment, and Communications, between 65 and 90 per cent of prostituted women were sexually abused by male relatives or acquaintances as girls."

See prostitution, prostituted women


An alternative to calling trafficked women "prostitutes," which recognizes the humanity of the individuals concerned, and whose identities ought not to be conflated with what is, to many such women, an experience of ongoing serial rape, typically controlled by pimps.

"According to international studies cited by the Swedish Ministry of Industry, Employment, and Communications, between 65 and 90 per cent of prostituted women were sexually abused by male relatives or acquaintances as girls."

See prostitution, prostituted women


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