
What is Prostituties?


All the diseases that you can get from a prostitute lumped into one word.

That slut Wendy gave me prostituties and now I have one week to live.

See prostitute, slut, whore


Prostitutes that are under the age of 18.

You know, I normally wouldn't do this to prostituties, but theirs sumthin about you...

See prostitute, friggot, bitchies, bitch, gurl


All the diseases that you can get from a prostitute lumped into one word.

That slut Wendy gave me prostituties and now I have one week to live.

See prostitute, slut, whore


Prostitutes that are under the age of 18.

You know, I normally wouldn't do this to prostituties, but theirs sumthin about you...

See prostitute, friggot, bitchies, bitch, gurl


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