
What is Prostiwhore?


Prostitute + Whore.

STFU! you prostiwhore

See prostitute, whore, slut, hoe, insult


It is the combination of a whore and a prostitute. Basically you sell you body, but instead of money, you get presents. Also you are not required to have sex, just be a whore. You dress in whorish clothes, not prostitute clothes. You also lack a pimp. Also the prostiwhore does not do drugs.

I love my prostiwhore.

See prostiwhore, prostitute, whore, slut, ho


Prostitute + Whore.

STFU! you prostiwhore

See prostitute, whore, slut, hoe, insult


It is the combination of a whore and a prostitute. Basically you sell you body, but instead of money, you get presents. Also you are not required to have sex, just be a whore. You dress in whorish clothes, not prostitute clothes. You also lack a pimp. Also the prostiwhore does not do drugs.

I love my prostiwhore.

See prostiwhore, prostitute, whore, slut, ho


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