
What is Prostyle?


Adjective meaning the best, master, godly, no substitute etc...

See Kryzto, SEQ, Slusher

Jeanelle: Who is Slusher anyway?

Kryzto: Slusher is Prostyle.

Kryzto: I just pwnd some noob who chose mids in cutthroat.

Slusher: Prostyle

See slusher


Adjective meaning the best, master, godly, no substitute etc...

See Kryzto, SEQ, Slusher

Jeanelle: Who is Slusher anyway?

Kryzto: Slusher is Prostyle.

Kryzto: I just pwnd some noob who chose mids in cutthroat.

Slusher: Prostyle

See slusher


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