
What is Prot?


slang for Protestant

that prot's a Catholic basher!

See protestant, catholic, christian, pope, luther


See Protricity, from Overclocked Remix.

<Prot> I'm a music god


used to replace any word in a phrase as long as the audience or listener can properly assume what the replaced word is.

1. I protting hate this guy.

2. Holy prot!

3. I gotta prot before we leave.

See prot, prots, crap


Used in gym lingo, short for protein.

"What's the matter bro, forget to drink some prot before getting jacked today?"

See gym, protein, buff, jacked


Someone from Portland, Oregon. Originating from the common typing mistake-turned-affectionate-nickname "Protland" for "Portland".

"Prots must love microbrew more than anyone else in the world. I swear there's a brewpub every other block in Portland".

See portland, prots, prot, oregon


Short for Protection in World of Warcraft

Mage: "Are you prot speced?"

Warrior: "Yes, I am"

See wow, tank, warrior, prot, spec


A short way to say the word "prostitute"

I'm sure glad that prot's gonna get busted.


slang for Protestant

that prot's a Catholic basher!

See protestant, catholic, christian, pope, luther


See Protricity, from Overclocked Remix.

<Prot> I'm a music god


used to replace any word in a phrase as long as the audience or listener can properly assume what the replaced word is.

1. I protting hate this guy.

2. Holy prot!

3. I gotta prot before we leave.

See prot, prots, crap


Used in gym lingo, short for protein.

"What's the matter bro, forget to drink some prot before getting jacked today?"

See gym, protein, buff, jacked


Someone from Portland, Oregon. Originating from the common typing mistake-turned-affectionate-nickname "Protland" for "Portland".

"Prots must love microbrew more than anyone else in the world. I swear there's a brewpub every other block in Portland".

See portland, prots, prot, oregon


Short for Protection in World of Warcraft

Mage: "Are you prot speced?"

Warrior: "Yes, I am"

See wow, tank, warrior, prot, spec


A short way to say the word "prostitute"

I'm sure glad that prot's gonna get busted.


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