
What is Protestant?


Branch of Christianity. Protestants believe that Jesus is the head of the Church. They reject Papal authority and the percieved excesses of the Catholic church.

Protestants are also remarkably unpopular amongst a great deal of people due to the actions of a small number of them. But in the most part they are simply Christians who wish to worship without a central authority, without a buffer between man and God and without the ritualism of other branches of the faith.

Jack became a Protestant after attending a Church sermon.

There are tensions in Ireland between Catholic and Protestant groups.

Graham dislikes Protestants because he is an Athesist.

See protestant, christian, jesus, god, pope, catholic, hated, reviled, atheism, theocracy


A part of Christianity that separated from the Catholic church in the 1600's.It was founded by Martin Luther, but then different sects broke off. Henry VIII did not start the Episcopalian Church,he started the Anglican church of which the Episcopalian church is a part. As we all hopefully realize, people are not perfect, so you can't hate a religion because someone was mean to you and they happened to be protestant of Christian. Protestants try not to identify themselves a sect, and are trying to follow Christ. They thing that it is more important that you are a Christian and know Jesus than what denomination you happen to be part of. We do not hate Catholics, Jews, or Gays. We try to love all people, whether or not we agree with them. Protestants usually do not agree with the gay lifestyle, but that doesn't mean that we hate them. Basically, try not to judge someone or something, such as protestantism, before you know about it.

Protestantism is a denomination of the Christian Church.

See christianity, catholicism, jesus, martin luther, atheist


I am not a Christian myself, but I see that some of you are mistaking Protestants for being highnosed killjoys or whatever (maybe some of them are, but...). The truth is, being a protestant does not mean you're being a goodie-little-two-shoes. The difference between Catholics and Protestants is that Protestants aren't as 'faithful'. For example, they reject Papal authority. They also have priestesses and allow priests to marriage.

Basically the whole Protestant concept is that all you need to do is believe in and be faithful to god. It is then that your sins will be forgiven. Back in the 16th century, the Church sold indulgences, claiming that if you bought them, god will forgive you. Luther didn't think this was right. He thought that the Church was manipulating the people so that they could raise money for the St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome! And so he protested against the church authorities, claiming that you didn't need these indulgences. Nor did you have to attend regular masses, do pilgrimage or worship holy relics. "In a way everyone is their own temple." was his quote.

Luther's argument caused an uproar in society. The people were already sick of paying the church taxes, so they too revolted. The Reformation followed, although originally, Martin Luther never intended a revolution...

As I have learned from Urban Dictionary, the conflict between Catholics and Protestants still goes on to this very day. I hope this has opened some of your eyes and that in near future there will finally be peace between Catholics and Protestants.

If you don't think I am right about this, just google Martin Luther or next time, pay attention in history.

PS: I do understand that there are some Protestants that do wrong against Jews/Gays or anyone who is different. I find this extremely disturbing; it is not right. But then there are also catholic people like that. You find them everywhere, me.

Protestant: You Christians suck I hate you! Kill all the gays blablabla

TRUE Protestant: I believe in god, I rawk ;D

See protestant, catholic, christian, religion, jewish, wootz


A religon. Everyone has their own beleifs so to all the people who put bad and mean definitions for protestants they need to shut-up. Protestant follow practically the same rules as catholics.

I am a Protestant. I believe that Jesus is our savour and the son of God and that God is real.

See jesus, god, catholic, church, religon


Since 1517, Protestants have been Christianswho are not Catholicnor Orthodox. They split from Roman Catholicism because of corruption in that church. Protestants are very diverse in beliefs, but they tend to believe that the Bibleis the ultimate source of authority in matters of Christianity, not a pope or "Holy Tradition" as in Catholicism. Since Protestant is an umbrella term, one cannot discuss the specific beliefs of Protestants in depth.

Why do Protestants reject Catholic authority? I apologize if this offends you, but here's why. The CatholicChurch asserts that the Bible is just as much a source of doctrine as "Holy Tradition," but the Bible makes the statement, (Colossians 2:8) "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." Jesus once said, (Matthew 15:3) "Why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?" to the Pharisees, because they elevated their traditions to the status of God's revealed Truth.

Catholics claim the pope is able to make infallible statements, but this obviously isn't true. It stands to reason that two infallible statements can never contradict each other, yes? In 1302, Pope Bonafice VIII, in his Bull Unam Sanctam, said, ""We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff." This infallible statement would have it that to be saved, all people must be Catholic. Remember, it's supposed to be INFALLIBLE. In the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), which is supposed to be "infallible" in Catholicism, in the document Lumen Gentium, article 16, it is written, "But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst these there are the Mohamedans, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind.” This is an obvious contradiction! Therefore, neither the pope nor ecumenical councils are infallible.

Catholics frequently break God's commandments. For instance, Jesus said, (Matthew 23:9) "Do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven." Yet Catholics call the bishop of Rome "Pope," from the Latin word for "father." Catholics often refer to their priests as "Father."

Catholics claim that Jesus said He would build His Church on Simon Peter, whom they say was the first pope. Yet, the original Greek reveals that He said no such thing. Jesus said, "And I tell you that you are Petros, and on this Petra I will build my church." Jesus used two different words. Petros means "a little rock," and Petra means "rock." Jesus was referring to Himself with Petra, as this is the word used to signify Jesus in the symbolism of a Stone (cf. ). Jesus calls Peter a "little rock" because He is, as a believer, a building-block in the Temple of God (cf. 1 Pet. 2:5, Rev. 3:12), but not the foundation. Otherwise, Jesus would have named Simon "Petra," not "Petros." Peter himself identified that "rock" as Jesus Christ in 1 Peter 2:4-9. And when Jesus gave the "keys" to Peter, Jesus said the same thing to all the other apostles in Matthew 18:18.

Peter himself said that one of the qualifications for someone to be an apostle is being "with us the whole time the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from John's baptism to the time when Jesus was taken up from us." None of Peter's successors were even alive in Jesus' first coming, and so they do not qualify as apostles with apostolic authority according to Peter himself! This is another reason why the pope does not have the authority he professes.

Furthermore, both the Catholic and Orthodox churches claim to use traditions to define doctrine. Why should a Protestant follow Catholic traditions instead of Orthodox traditions? Not to mention that there are many traditions, some of which conflict with each other. For instance, Church Father Tertullian believed in traducianism - if that's a tradition, why don't Catholics believe it, too?

For these reasons and more, Protestants reject the pope's authority and rely solely on the Bible, for it alone is "able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus." (2 Tim. 3:15)

Anglicans, Baptists, Episcopalianss, Lutherans, Methodists, Pentecostalists, and Presbyterians are all Protestant denominations of Christianity.

See christianity, christian, bible, scripture, jesus


One who is a member of the collective churches of Christian Protestantism. He/she rejects the man-made authority, power and abuses of the Roman Catholic Church and its "infallible" papacy. As Christians in the universal Church, no one is taught to hate Catholics (or anyone else). Many Protestants are taught that judgment is God's domain and may not be passed onto others. On the other hand, Catholicism teaches that non-Catholic Christians do not belong to "the One True Church--- the Holy Roman Catholic Church". Furthermore, they teach that salvation may be obtained but non-Catholics will not go to Heaven (or Purgatory) but a place known as "Limbo".

Protestantism does NOT include Pentecostals, Evangelicals, Mormons and Baptists or any other Christian group under the umbrella of Fundamentalism. These are the ones most associated with being judgmental, ultra-conservative and interpreting the Bible literally.

The mainline authentic Protestants belong to Lutheran, Episcopalian (Anglican), Methodist, Congregationalist (United Church, UCC), Presbyterian (Calvinist, Reformed), Moravian, Quaker (Friends) and Unitarian churches. Often in these distinctly and historically Protestant denominations, one will find educated, affluent and politically liberal to moderate members.

Gay people are welcome in the majority of these churches. Within Protestantism, there are same-sex blessings, holy unions and, in some cases, same-sex marriages offered to them. Many minorities are (or become) members of these churches after having been disenfranchised or disillusioned by Catholic, Baptist and Evangelical churches. Additionally, women may be ordained in the priesthood/ministry in many branches of Protestantism. One significant distinction between Catholics and Protestants is that Protestants may use birth control. Catholics may not, according to their Church. In addition, Protestants are not required to confess to clergy because Protestant Christianity teaches them to be guided by conscience and faith in order to make their own peace with God and receive forgiveness directly through prayer. These are just some of the allowances permitted in Protestantism that are either forbidden or discouraged in Roman Catholicism (as dictated by the Vatican/Holy See).

The media in North America, which is 65-75% Jewish-owned, often portray Protestants and/or Protestantism as an oppressive, stoic power structure in Western culture. Protestants, particularly in the USA and Canada, are often negatively referred to as WASPs, even if one has no Anglo-Saxon heritage whatsoever. The media tend to avoid or conveniently overlook accurate historical accounts of Protestants being branded heretics, burned at the stake, exiled, tortured, persecuted, plotted against and murdered by members of the Roman Catholic Church and its hierarchy.

"As Protestant Christians, let us give thanks to the Lord for Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, John Wesley and the many countless heroes and heroines who stood up to a corrupt church power structure. Let us remember those who died or risked their lives in order to make the Church a more pure (not perfect) vessel of the Christian faith. Amen"

See presbyterians


Contrary to popular belief, Protestants are not all stuck up, judgmental hypocrites. Everyone who professes to follow a "religion" is a hypocrite because it is quite obvious that no human being can possibly adhere to the strict standards of any religion. However, Christians in general have earned a bad reputation for themselves by falsely declaring their love for Jesus/God and then blatantly contradicting that statement with their actions. This does not mean that there are not Protestants with sincere motives and a true love for Jesus. It is pure ignorance to discredit an entire "religion" just because of a few bad experiences.

Christians (at least Protestants) are not part of a "religion". This is because "religion" implies that you must meet a standard of good behavior to attain salvation and eternal life. We are saved because of God's grace, Jesus' sacrifice, and our faith, not because of our adherence to a set of laws. Judaism, Islam, and Mormanism are all religions, because they require the obeyance of their own particular laws. Sometimes Catholicism can be put under the category of a religion because some of them follow rituals and do things (i.e. confessional, pentenance, praying to Mary) to attain salvation.

Whoever posted that the Protestant faith was established by Henry VIII, this is a false statement. The Protestant faith was created by Martin Luther when he broke away from the Catholic church because he believe that you do not need to go through a priest to get to God. Henry VIII established the Episcopalian church on account of his selfish ambition.

Not all Protestants should be thought of as judgmental hypocrites. Think before you make sweeping generalizations. And to the person who posted that there is absolutely no evidence for the content of the Bible, this is an incredibly false statement, but that's another topic.

I am a Protestant, and I believe that Jesus is the son of God, that he died to take the penalty for the sins of the people of the world, and that you can get eternal life by trusting him with your life.

See christian, atheist, christ, bible


Branch of Christianity. Protestants believe that Jesus is the head of the Church. They reject Papal authority and the percieved excesses of the Catholic church.

Protestants are also remarkably unpopular amongst a great deal of people due to the actions of a small number of them. But in the most part they are simply Christians who wish to worship without a central authority, without a buffer between man and God and without the ritualism of other branches of the faith.

Jack became a Protestant after attending a Church sermon.

There are tensions in Ireland between Catholic and Protestant groups.

Graham dislikes Protestants because he is an Athesist.

See protestant, christian, jesus, god, pope, catholic, hated, reviled, atheism, theocracy


A part of Christianity that separated from the Catholic church in the 1600's.It was founded by Martin Luther, but then different sects broke off. Henry VIII did not start the Episcopalian Church,he started the Anglican church of which the Episcopalian church is a part. As we all hopefully realize, people are not perfect, so you can't hate a religion because someone was mean to you and they happened to be protestant of Christian. Protestants try not to identify themselves a sect, and are trying to follow Christ. They thing that it is more important that you are a Christian and know Jesus than what denomination you happen to be part of. We do not hate Catholics, Jews, or Gays. We try to love all people, whether or not we agree with them. Protestants usually do not agree with the gay lifestyle, but that doesn't mean that we hate them. Basically, try not to judge someone or something, such as protestantism, before you know about it.

Protestantism is a denomination of the Christian Church.

See christianity, catholicism, jesus, martin luther, atheist


I am not a Christian myself, but I see that some of you are mistaking Protestants for being highnosed killjoys or whatever (maybe some of them are, but...). The truth is, being a protestant does not mean you're being a goodie-little-two-shoes. The difference between Catholics and Protestants is that Protestants aren't as 'faithful'. For example, they reject Papal authority. They also have priestesses and allow priests to marriage.

Basically the whole Protestant concept is that all you need to do is believe in and be faithful to god. It is then that your sins will be forgiven. Back in the 16th century, the Church sold indulgences, claiming that if you bought them, god will forgive you. Luther didn't think this was right. He thought that the Church was manipulating the people so that they could raise money for the St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome! And so he protested against the church authorities, claiming that you didn't need these indulgences. Nor did you have to attend regular masses, do pilgrimage or worship holy relics. "In a way everyone is their own temple." was his quote.

Luther's argument caused an uproar in society. The people were already sick of paying the church taxes, so they too revolted. The Reformation followed, although originally, Martin Luther never intended a revolution...

As I have learned from Urban Dictionary, the conflict between Catholics and Protestants still goes on to this very day. I hope this has opened some of your eyes and that in near future there will finally be peace between Catholics and Protestants.

If you don't think I am right about this, just google Martin Luther or next time, pay attention in history.

PS: I do understand that there are some Protestants that do wrong against Jews/Gays or anyone who is different. I find this extremely disturbing; it is not right. But then there are also catholic people like that. You find them everywhere, me.

Protestant: You Christians suck I hate you! Kill all the gays blablabla

TRUE Protestant: I believe in god, I rawk ;D

See protestant, catholic, christian, religion, jewish, wootz


A religon. Everyone has their own beleifs so to all the people who put bad and mean definitions for protestants they need to shut-up. Protestant follow practically the same rules as catholics.

I am a Protestant. I believe that Jesus is our savour and the son of God and that God is real.

See jesus, god, catholic, church, religon


Since 1517, Protestants have been Christianswho are not Catholicnor Orthodox. They split from Roman Catholicism because of corruption in that church. Protestants are very diverse in beliefs, but they tend to believe that the Bibleis the ultimate source of authority in matters of Christianity, not a pope or "Holy Tradition" as in Catholicism. Since Protestant is an umbrella term, one cannot discuss the specific beliefs of Protestants in depth.

Why do Protestants reject Catholic authority? I apologize if this offends you, but here's why. The CatholicChurch asserts that the Bible is just as much a source of doctrine as "Holy Tradition," but the Bible makes the statement, (Colossians 2:8) "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." Jesus once said, (Matthew 15:3) "Why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?" to the Pharisees, because they elevated their traditions to the status of God's revealed Truth.

Catholics claim the pope is able to make infallible statements, but this obviously isn't true. It stands to reason that two infallible statements can never contradict each other, yes? In 1302, Pope Bonafice VIII, in his Bull Unam Sanctam, said, ""We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff." This infallible statement would have it that to be saved, all people must be Catholic. Remember, it's supposed to be INFALLIBLE. In the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), which is supposed to be "infallible" in Catholicism, in the document Lumen Gentium, article 16, it is written, "But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst these there are the Mohamedans, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind.” This is an obvious contradiction! Therefore, neither the pope nor ecumenical councils are infallible.

Catholics frequently break God's commandments. For instance, Jesus said, (Matthew 23:9) "Do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven." Yet Catholics call the bishop of Rome "Pope," from the Latin word for "father." Catholics often refer to their priests as "Father."

Catholics claim that Jesus said He would build His Church on Simon Peter, whom they say was the first pope. Yet, the original Greek reveals that He said no such thing. Jesus said, "And I tell you that you are Petros, and on this Petra I will build my church." Jesus used two different words. Petros means "a little rock," and Petra means "rock." Jesus was referring to Himself with Petra, as this is the word used to signify Jesus in the symbolism of a Stone (cf. ). Jesus calls Peter a "little rock" because He is, as a believer, a building-block in the Temple of God (cf. 1 Pet. 2:5, Rev. 3:12), but not the foundation. Otherwise, Jesus would have named Simon "Petra," not "Petros." Peter himself identified that "rock" as Jesus Christ in 1 Peter 2:4-9. And when Jesus gave the "keys" to Peter, Jesus said the same thing to all the other apostles in Matthew 18:18.

Peter himself said that one of the qualifications for someone to be an apostle is being "with us the whole time the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from John's baptism to the time when Jesus was taken up from us." None of Peter's successors were even alive in Jesus' first coming, and so they do not qualify as apostles with apostolic authority according to Peter himself! This is another reason why the pope does not have the authority he professes.

Furthermore, both the Catholic and Orthodox churches claim to use traditions to define doctrine. Why should a Protestant follow Catholic traditions instead of Orthodox traditions? Not to mention that there are many traditions, some of which conflict with each other. For instance, Church Father Tertullian believed in traducianism - if that's a tradition, why don't Catholics believe it, too?

For these reasons and more, Protestants reject the pope's authority and rely solely on the Bible, for it alone is "able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus." (2 Tim. 3:15)

Anglicans, Baptists, Episcopalianss, Lutherans, Methodists, Pentecostalists, and Presbyterians are all Protestant denominations of Christianity.

See christianity, christian, bible, scripture, jesus


One who is a member of the collective churches of Christian Protestantism. He/she rejects the man-made authority, power and abuses of the Roman Catholic Church and its "infallible" papacy. As Christians in the universal Church, no one is taught to hate Catholics (or anyone else). Many Protestants are taught that judgment is God's domain and may not be passed onto others. On the other hand, Catholicism teaches that non-Catholic Christians do not belong to "the One True Church--- the Holy Roman Catholic Church". Furthermore, they teach that salvation may be obtained but non-Catholics will not go to Heaven (or Purgatory) but a place known as "Limbo".

Protestantism does NOT include Pentecostals, Evangelicals, Mormons and Baptists or any other Christian group under the umbrella of Fundamentalism. These are the ones most associated with being judgmental, ultra-conservative and interpreting the Bible literally.

The mainline authentic Protestants belong to Lutheran, Episcopalian (Anglican), Methodist, Congregationalist (United Church, UCC), Presbyterian (Calvinist, Reformed), Moravian, Quaker (Friends) and Unitarian churches. Often in these distinctly and historically Protestant denominations, one will find educated, affluent and politically liberal to moderate members.

Gay people are welcome in the majority of these churches. Within Protestantism, there are same-sex blessings, holy unions and, in some cases, same-sex marriages offered to them. Many minorities are (or become) members of these churches after having been disenfranchised or disillusioned by Catholic, Baptist and Evangelical churches. Additionally, women may be ordained in the priesthood/ministry in many branches of Protestantism. One significant distinction between Catholics and Protestants is that Protestants may use birth control. Catholics may not, according to their Church. In addition, Protestants are not required to confess to clergy because Protestant Christianity teaches them to be guided by conscience and faith in order to make their own peace with God and receive forgiveness directly through prayer. These are just some of the allowances permitted in Protestantism that are either forbidden or discouraged in Roman Catholicism (as dictated by the Vatican/Holy See).

The media in North America, which is 65-75% Jewish-owned, often portray Protestants and/or Protestantism as an oppressive, stoic power structure in Western culture. Protestants, particularly in the USA and Canada, are often negatively referred to as WASPs, even if one has no Anglo-Saxon heritage whatsoever. The media tend to avoid or conveniently overlook accurate historical accounts of Protestants being branded heretics, burned at the stake, exiled, tortured, persecuted, plotted against and murdered by members of the Roman Catholic Church and its hierarchy.

"As Protestant Christians, let us give thanks to the Lord for Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, John Wesley and the many countless heroes and heroines who stood up to a corrupt church power structure. Let us remember those who died or risked their lives in order to make the Church a more pure (not perfect) vessel of the Christian faith. Amen"

See presbyterians


Contrary to popular belief, Protestants are not all stuck up, judgmental hypocrites. Everyone who professes to follow a "religion" is a hypocrite because it is quite obvious that no human being can possibly adhere to the strict standards of any religion. However, Christians in general have earned a bad reputation for themselves by falsely declaring their love for Jesus/God and then blatantly contradicting that statement with their actions. This does not mean that there are not Protestants with sincere motives and a true love for Jesus. It is pure ignorance to discredit an entire "religion" just because of a few bad experiences.

Christians (at least Protestants) are not part of a "religion". This is because "religion" implies that you must meet a standard of good behavior to attain salvation and eternal life. We are saved because of God's grace, Jesus' sacrifice, and our faith, not because of our adherence to a set of laws. Judaism, Islam, and Mormanism are all religions, because they require the obeyance of their own particular laws. Sometimes Catholicism can be put under the category of a religion because some of them follow rituals and do things (i.e. confessional, pentenance, praying to Mary) to attain salvation.

Whoever posted that the Protestant faith was established by Henry VIII, this is a false statement. The Protestant faith was created by Martin Luther when he broke away from the Catholic church because he believe that you do not need to go through a priest to get to God. Henry VIII established the Episcopalian church on account of his selfish ambition.

Not all Protestants should be thought of as judgmental hypocrites. Think before you make sweeping generalizations. And to the person who posted that there is absolutely no evidence for the content of the Bible, this is an incredibly false statement, but that's another topic.

I am a Protestant, and I believe that Jesus is the son of God, that he died to take the penalty for the sins of the people of the world, and that you can get eternal life by trusting him with your life.

See christian, atheist, christ, bible


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