
What is Protogod?


From the greek prefix "protos" meaning "first" PROTOGOD would be the first, or primary god. often mistaken for a combination of "protoss" and "god" which refers to the RTS game Starcraft.

Protogod refers to one who is awesome, yet incomplete as an idea. a "proto"type if you will.

Lost_it: Im a retard

Protogod: stfu, noob

See protogod, proto, protoss, god


From the greek prefix "protos" meaning "first" PROTOGOD would be the first, or primary god. often mistaken for a combination of "protoss" and "god" which refers to the RTS game Starcraft.

Protogod refers to one who is awesome, yet incomplete as an idea. a "proto"type if you will.

Lost_it: Im a retard

Protogod: stfu, noob

See protogod, proto, protoss, god


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