Prove It!

What is Prove It!?


The come back for all arguments!

Jennie: oh me god ur so stupid you smoo!

Becky: Prove it!

Jennie: What!

Becky: Prove it! Prove it! ect. ect.


a phrase that can be used when at a loss of words, to ensure an adequate come back. (Gives time for the user to get back on the "ball")

(Larry and Jerry are engaged in a vocal disagreement)

Larry: .... yeah? Well I f***** your mom

Jerry: PROVE IT!


Whoral: I may be a whore, but you're fat.

Chubbalina: PROVE IT!

See whore, phrase, ball, fat, mom


The come back for all arguments!

Jennie: oh me god ur so stupid you smoo!

Becky: Prove it!

Jennie: What!

Becky: Prove it! Prove it! ect. ect.


a phrase that can be used when at a loss of words, to ensure an adequate come back. (Gives time for the user to get back on the "ball")

(Larry and Jerry are engaged in a vocal disagreement)

Larry: .... yeah? Well I f***** your mom

Jerry: PROVE IT!


Whoral: I may be a whore, but you're fat.

Chubbalina: PROVE IT!

See whore, phrase, ball, fat, mom


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