Prove It With Math.

What is Prove It With Math.?


used in an instance where one wishes to discredit someone where math would never be used to discredit them. This is very much a joke and not seriously meant to discredit someone.

On the flipside, saying: "I proved it with math" should never be used in a situation where you actually proved it with math. It is a joke where you pretend to add credit to what your saying.

Any one who says differently is a liart.

A: Your mom sucks cocks.

B: No!

A: Yeah!

B: Prove it with math.

A: I... What?

See i, kidding, math, joke


used in an instance where one wishes to discredit someone where math would never be used to discredit them. This is very much a joke and not seriously meant to discredit someone.

On the flipside, saying: "I proved it with math" should never be used in a situation where you actually proved it with math. It is a joke where you pretend to add credit to what your saying.

Any one who says differently is a liart.

A: Your mom sucks cocks.

B: No!

A: Yeah!

B: Prove it with math.

A: I... What?

See i, kidding, math, joke


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