
What is P/s?


P/S Is a group of "Punk slash Skaters" from Maple Valley Washington. Members of P/S just dont give a shit about anything hella. They follow a strict moral code called the 10 ComBAMents, named after their religous leader, pro skater and p/s idol, Bam MUTHA FU***N MARGERA.

Nikka u see dem tags at shadow?, they wuz dope. Yeah fool, dem P/S niggaz r crazy as hell.

See p/s, pee, slash, es


{abbreviation of power shit};to take a shit that makes you drowsy;a shit so bad your stomach cramps up. Proper terminology to use in mixed company or an office environment.

Dude...I have to take a huge p/s!

See power shit, shit, slang, office


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