Pseudo Suicidal

What is Pseudo Suicidal?


Someone who wants the attention of one who has committed suicide, only without actually dying. These people often "attempt" suicide in very pathetic forms, such as lightly cutting themselves in places that would very rarely cause death, or taking a small amount of non-lethal pills.

See An Hero

"Did you hear that Liz tried to kill herself? I hope she's ok."

"She cut herself on the knee with a butterknife. She's pseudo suicidal"

See emo, attention whore


Someone who wants the attention of one who has committed suicide, only without actually dying. These people often "attempt" suicide in very pathetic forms, such as lightly cutting themselves in places that would very rarely cause death, or taking a small amount of non-lethal pills.

See An Hero

"Did you hear that Liz tried to kill herself? I hope she's ok."

"She cut herself on the knee with a butterknife. She's pseudo suicidal"

See emo, attention whore


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