
What is Pseudocode?


Pseudocode is a description of a computer programming algorithm that uses the structural conventions of programming languages, but omits detailed subroutines or language-specific syntax. It can also refer to a high level 'language' whose aim is to generalise the logic and program flow of a computer program

An example of how pseudocode differs from regular code is below.

Regular code (written in PHP):


if (is_valid($cc_number)) {

execute_transaction($cc_number, $order);

} else {





if credit card number is valid

execute transaction based on number and order


show a generic failure message

end if

See code, pseudocode, source, georgi


a made up computer language. could be random.

if (connected to internet){

type 'slangdefine' in address bar

press enter

click on 'random'

copy word and definition

paste on any random thread.



throw monitor out of window


type a definition for 'pseudocode' and submit

smiley face =D

See throwing, random, window, internet


Pseudocode is a description of a computer programming algorithm that uses the structural conventions of programming languages, but omits detailed subroutines or language-specific syntax. It can also refer to a high level 'language' whose aim is to generalise the logic and program flow of a computer program

An example of how pseudocode differs from regular code is below.

Regular code (written in PHP):


if (is_valid($cc_number)) {

execute_transaction($cc_number, $order);

} else {





if credit card number is valid

execute transaction based on number and order


show a generic failure message

end if

See code, pseudocode, source, georgi


a made up computer language. could be random.

if (connected to internet){

type 'slangdefine' in address bar

press enter

click on 'random'

copy word and definition

paste on any random thread.



throw monitor out of window


type a definition for 'pseudocode' and submit

smiley face =D

See throwing, random, window, internet


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