
What is Pseudohigh?


the high that you get without actually doing the drugs, but just from being around the people who do; usually just from breathing in second hand smoke

At the concert last night, there were so many potheads that even though I wasn't smoking, I got pseudohigh.

See Kate


when you feel high from something other than illegal substances.

"the combination of Nos, Jolt, and a happy meal gave made me feel so high"

"it was definitely a pseudohigh man"

See high, drugs, fake, drug, drinking, alcohol


the high that you get without actually doing the drugs, but just from being around the people who do; usually just from breathing in second hand smoke

At the concert last night, there were so many potheads that even though I wasn't smoking, I got pseudohigh.

See Kate


when you feel high from something other than illegal substances.

"the combination of Nos, Jolt, and a happy meal gave made me feel so high"

"it was definitely a pseudohigh man"

See high, drugs, fake, drug, drinking, alcohol


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