
What is Pseudo-intellectuals?


Pseudo-intellectuals are people of average intelligence who are enchanted with highly intellectual topics and discussions such as philosophy, socioeconomics, destiny of humanity, etc.

Unlike a genuine academic, a pseudo-intellectual’s main reason for being interested in these topics is because it makes him feel intellectually superior to his peers. He usually despises main stream culture, accuses those who disagree with him as being ignorant, and when his ideas are challenged, he often retaliates with “That’s a straw man argument!”

Pseudo-intellectuals can often be found in political discussion boards on the internet, patronizing boutique shops, participating in various Anti-something rallies, sitting on a park’s bench during a weekend afternoon and playing a guitar, or spending eight consecutive years in college trying to earn a B.A degree in political science or philosophy.

Jim: Who is that asshole that sits in the back of the class in American History and pisses off the professor all the time?

Amy: Oh, that’s Mark. He’s one of those pseudo-intellectuals.

See bohemian, hipster, douchesophe


Someone who uses flashy words and quotes from intellectuals to make them sound a bit more clever than they really are because they don't have original thoughts for themselves.

Also see: pretentious

That bloke thinks he's a nihilith - yet he doesn't know anything.


1. Non-intellectuals who can at least keep up the appearance for fifteen minutes.

2. Cop-out postmodernists.

3. Critics.

...After fifteen minutes over coffee discussing the qualities of Emerson's work as being original, he screamed in desperation: "There is nothing left to be original about! There is nothing original left! I see no value in anything because everything has already been thought!" He then made an effort to point out the flaws in a friend's poem and how she could improve it with synonyms and left in silence.


Pseudo-intellectuals are people of average intelligence who are enchanted with highly intellectual topics and discussions such as philosophy, socioeconomics, destiny of humanity, etc.

Unlike a genuine academic, a pseudo-intellectual’s main reason for being interested in these topics is because it makes him feel intellectually superior to his peers. He usually despises main stream culture, accuses those who disagree with him as being ignorant, and when his ideas are challenged, he often retaliates with “That’s a straw man argument!”

Pseudo-intellectuals can often be found in political discussion boards on the internet, patronizing boutique shops, participating in various Anti-something rallies, sitting on a park’s bench during a weekend afternoon and playing a guitar, or spending eight consecutive years in college trying to earn a B.A degree in political science or philosophy.

Jim: Who is that asshole that sits in the back of the class in American History and pisses off the professor all the time?

Amy: Oh, that’s Mark. He’s one of those pseudo-intellectuals.

See bohemian, hipster, douchesophe


Someone who uses flashy words and quotes from intellectuals to make them sound a bit more clever than they really are because they don't have original thoughts for themselves.

Also see: pretentious

That bloke thinks he's a nihilith - yet he doesn't know anything.


1. Non-intellectuals who can at least keep up the appearance for fifteen minutes.

2. Cop-out postmodernists.

3. Critics.

...After fifteen minutes over coffee discussing the qualities of Emerson's work as being original, he screamed in desperation: "There is nothing left to be original about! There is nothing original left! I see no value in anything because everything has already been thought!" He then made an effort to point out the flaws in a friend's poem and how she could improve it with synonyms and left in silence.


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