
What is Pseudo-prep?


The actual term for what is commonly referred to as Preppy, in regard to personal image and style. A contrast to what was and still is/should be considered Preppy (Oxford shirts, sweaters, anything identified as stereotypically Ivy League college). An outfit consisting of a Hollister t-shirt, Abercrombie cap, frayed sandals, and plaid shorts accompanied with large aviator sunglasses. Any outfit that makes the wearer appear a walking billboard or douchebag.

Kevin: Dude, did you see that kid who was all preppy looking back there?

Archimedes: No, no. He wasn't preppy, he was pseudo-preppy.

See prep, preppy, douchebag, abercrombie, hollister


The actual term for what is commonly referred to as Preppy, in regard to personal image and style. A contrast to what was and still is/should be considered Preppy (Oxford shirts, sweaters, anything identified as stereotypically Ivy League college). An outfit consisting of a Hollister t-shirt, Abercrombie cap, frayed sandals, and plaid shorts accompanied with large aviator sunglasses. Any outfit that makes the wearer appear a walking billboard or douchebag.

Kevin: Dude, did you see that kid who was all preppy looking back there?

Archimedes: No, no. He wasn't preppy, he was pseudo-preppy.

See prep, preppy, douchebag, abercrombie, hollister


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